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Just got around to playing this, what a fun deviation from the usual games! I wish there were more powerups so that the dice would actually change up sooner into a match. Has anybody actually gotten to a 6 die before?!


Not yet, I don't think. I'm going to up the powerup rate in the full release, whenever that is.


This is turned out really well! Awesome job :D

Thank you :D

wow I realy enjoy this game and the art is so sweet.

Tysm :D

I thought this game was very cute and fun! I loved that it was multiplayer as not many people make multiplayer games! I thought the art was adorable and I loved running around throwing dice bombs! Though occasionally I couldn't move in the game. Though I thought it was an adorable and fun game! I would love to see more games like this! Great work!

Oops, that glitch isn't meant to happen... Thank you so much though!

Really pretty and fun game! A little scared of the red dino tho- i don't trust those eyes

The yellow one's the one you want to be careful of. He may be cute outside, but inside he's very hyper and likely to use explosives. Actually, all of them are likely to use explosives.

Cute but it need audio configs and single player!


Yes, I was working on single player. Unfortunately, it's hard to program AIs in 48 hours :3


Thank you :)

Wow! So much fun playing team mode…

Is it? I literally haven't tested it yet... Probably should have now that I think about it.